Column definition for segments.txt files ---------------------------------------- chr: Arabidopsis chromosome on which TAR is located start: Start position of the TAR (first nucleotide of the most 5' probe inclusive to the TAR) stop: End position of the TAR (last nucleotide of the most 3' probe inclusive to the TAR) num_probes: Number of tiling probes inclusive to the TAR level: Predicted discrete expression level of this TAR (between 1 and 10) repeats: Fraction of repetitive probes inclusive to this TAR (repeat annotation is based on degenerate 25-mer repeats in the A. thaliana genome, see Clark et al, Science, 2007 for details) high_confidence: TARs with at least 4 probes, expression level 6-10 and repetitive proportion less than 0.25 are called 'high-confidence' TARs. novel: 0 if there is an overlap of at least 25 nt to an EST or cDNA, else 1 (ESTs and cDNAs were downloaded from the TAIR ftp server, release 7) genic: 1 if this TAR overlaps (by at least 1 nt) to a gene annotated in TAIR7, 0 otherwise Column definition for unannotated_segments.txt files ---------------------------------------------------- same as for segments.txt files content is a subset of segments.txt extracted according to the following criteria: i) TARs have to be unannotated ii) TARs have to be high-confidence predictions TARs are sorted in descending order of the number of probes and the predicted expression level. Column definition for stress_segments_stat_test.txt files --------------------------------------------------------- chr: same as in segments.txt files start: same as in segments.txt files stop: same as in segments.txt files num_probes: same as in segments.txt files level: same as in segments.txt files upstr_gene: AGI code of the nearest annotated gene upstream of this TAR downstr_gene: AGI code of the nearest annotated gene downstream of this TAR upstr_gene_dist: distance in nucleotides to the nearest annotated gene upstream downstr_gene_dist: distance in nucleotides to the nearest annotated gene downstream p_value: p-value of a Mann-Whitney U test for significantly increased signal in treatment vs. control arrays (as indicated by the file name). The test compares the median intensities (pooling replicate arrays) of all probes inclusive to this TAR between treatment and control. Lists are cut off at the 5% alpha level. repeats: same as in segments.txt files conservation: sequence conservation of this TAR compared between Arabidopsis, rice, poplar and Sorghum assessed as described in Methods high_confidence: same as in segments.txt files unannotated: same as in segments.txt files novel: same as in segments.txt files genic: same as in segments.txt files overlapping to segments of other samples (S_001-S_013): thirteen columns, one for each sample (mock controls as well as treatments) with value 0 or 1. If a TAR overlaps to TARs predicted for other samples this is indicated by a 1 (0 else).