BANANA ------ data set information -------------------- number of train patterns : 400 number of test patterns : 4900 input dimension : 2 output dimension : 1 number of realizations of the data: 100 training data has zero mean and standard deviation one origin ------ [RaeOnoMue98b, Rae98] cf. references ---------- @techreport{RaeOnoMue98b, author = {G.~R{\"a}tsch and T.~Onoda and K.-R.~M{\"u}ller}, title = "Soft Margins for {A}da{B}oost", institution = {Department of Computer Science, Royal Holloway, University of London}, month = aug, year = {1998}, address = {Egham, UK}, number = {NC-TR-1998-021}, note = "Submitted to Machine Learning.", url = "", } @Article{Rae98, author = "G.~R{\"a}tsch", title = "Ensemble Learning Methods for Classification", year = "1998", month = "april", note = "Diploma thesis (in german)", url= "", }